10 Pfennig Tegernsee notgeld







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This notgeld is from Tegernsee and has the value of 10 Pfennig. It shows Tegernsee, with the lake in the centre of the image. There are some houses in the foreground and a bird is flying over the lake. The inscription in German read: 'wer hatt je gedacht dass in solchem k'wand 'mal Mark und pfennig wandern im deutchen Land' and translates as: Who would have ever thought that marks and pfennigs would wander around the German land in these clothes. (rhyme) This is one of sixty notgeld or 'emergency money' banknotes in the reference collection of packaging material which belonged to the designer Charles Hasler. Notgeld were produced by German towns, villages and municipalities from the end of the First World War until the mid 1920s, when the state bank (the Reichsbank), struggled with wartime metal shortages and post- war hyperinflation. The highly decorative notes soon became collectors items - and still remain to this day. They are double-sided and printed with their monetary value, information about the village, town or province of issue and some colourful illustration.

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