
Find out about the copyright policy for our website

The copyright of images and the intellectual property rights in all content included on this site is either owned by us or licensed to us.

You may use the material on this website for your own private study, non-commercial research, and non-commercial instructional or educational purposes. All copies of any part of the content material must bear acknowledgement of the copyright of the owner of the material.

If you wish to use content from this website for any purpose other than private study or research (whether commercial or not) you should contact us by email to For more information, see our Images and Licensing page.

Every effort has been made to obtain permission to reproduce the images on this website from the relevant copyright holders and to ensure all credits are correct. We have acted in good faith and on the best information available to us at the time of publication. Any omissions or errors are inadvertent and will be corrected if notification is given by email to

Takedown Notice

In the event that you are the owner of the copyright in any of the material on this website and do not consent to the use of your material in accordance with the terms and conditions of use of this website, please contact us providing the information requested below and we will withdraw your material from our website forthwith on receipt of your written objection and proof of ownership of the aforementioned material. In order to process your complaint, please provide the information required using the downloadable template (.docx). This template should be used to document your complaint. This should then be sent to the Business Manager at the following email address: Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt.


If you require any assistance completing this Template, please contact Claire Isherwood or Sian Woodward at: